Friday, October 13, 2006

H2O vs. Jesus Love

H2O the Chemical representation for Water. No one really know how much water is there on earth. We use it, depend upon it, would perish without it...but measure it? We can't. Ever thought about it before you drink a glass of water...

H2O bring to mind another unmeasured pool? It might. Not a pool of water but a pool of love. God's love. Aquifer fresh. Pure as April snow. One swallow slackens the thirsty throat & softens the crusty heart. Immerse a life in God's love, & watch it emerge cleansed & changed. We know the impact of God's love. But the volume? No person has ever measured it. I failed to measure it during my recent weeks of trials where Christ embraces me with His love daily...

Want to see the size of God's love? "Ascend the winding path outside of Jerusalem. Follow the dots of bloody dirt until you crest the hill. Before look up, pause & hear me whisper, "This is how much I love you."

Whip-ripped muscles drape His back. Blood rivulets over His face. His eyes & lips are swollen shut. Pain rages at wildfire intensity. As He sinks to relieve the agony of His legs, His airway closes. At the edge of suffocation, He shoves pierced muscles against the spike & inches up the cross. He does this for hours. Painfully up & down until His strength & our doubts are gone...

Does God love you? Behold the cross & behold your answer. God the Son died for you. Who could have imagined such a gift? The though that Abba in Heaven will give anything moved me daily from fear to joy. I pray for Christ's ways to be in me daily. "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; & walk in love, just as Christ also loved you & gave Himself up for us, an offering & a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma." Eph 5:2 [NASB] What species of devotion is this? Find the answer under the category "unfailing". The holiness of God demanded a sinless sacrifice, & the only sinless sacrifice was God & the Son. And since God's love never fails to pay the price, Christ did. God loves you with an unfailing love...

What would lead God to do something greater? Love. Trace the greatest action of God to the greatest attribute of God - His love. "It's not about me." If it's not about me, does God care for me? God's priority is His glory. He occupies center stage; I carry props. He's the message; I'm but a word of His love? No doubt. Do you really want the World to revolve around you? If it's all about you, then it's all up to you. Your Daddy rescues you from such a burden. While you are valuable, you aren't essential. You're important but no indispensable. Still don't think that's good news?

Our Father knows our limitations. He's well aware of our weaknesses. You can no more die for your own sins than you can solve World hunger. And, according to Him, that's fine. The World doesn't reply on us, yet God loves us too much to say it's all about you. He keeps the cosmos humming. We sprinkle sawdust on oil spots & thank Him for the privilege. We don't know what it takes to run the World, & wise are we who leave the work to His hands. To say that "It's not about you" is not to say you aren't loved; quite contrary. It's because Abba loves us that it's not about us!

And, oh, what a love this is. It's "too wonderful to be measured" Eph 3:19 [CEV] But though we cannot measure it, may I urge you to trust it? Some of us are so hungry for such love. Those who should have loved you didn't. Those who could have loved you wouldn't. We were left at the hospital. Left at the altar. Left with an empty bed. Left with a broken heart. Left with your question, "Does anybody love me?" Please listen to heaven's answer. As you ponder Him on the cross, hear Jesus assure, "I do". Amen?!

When it comes to water, we'll find the limit. But when it comes to His love. We never will...

Inspired by:

Max Lucado


jel said...

hi Brother!

have a very blessed week!

audrey` said...

Jesus loves you, brother Godwyn =)

Godwyn Lim said...

Hey Sister Janice,

thank you for dropping by:-) I have just surfed your blog reading your lost of precious friend.

I'll have a greatly bless week just like yours! *Hugs*

Godwyn Lim said...

Jesus & Godwyn Love Audrey always!

Recent Haze is quite bad, did it affect you?

Have a great week ahead! God Bless:-)

Rulan said...

Hi brother Godwyn. Sorry I've not been around for a while. I have just started a course and the studying keeps me busy.

I pray that you are doing well this week. Jesus loves you. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Daddy God loves is indeed everlasting ya! Glad you like the song I uploaded. ;) Huggs, PW

Godwyn Lim said...

Hey Sister Rulan,

Dun have to be sorry, I know you must be busy, else you will drop a line or so:-)

What course did you started on? It must be really interesting & challenging!

May the Lord prosper & favour you in all you do! God Bless:-)

Godwyn Lim said...

Hey Sister PW,

The song is really nice, I listened to it for a few times on your site! Thanks for sharing!

Our Daddy always love us...forever & ever without our own efforts:-) Have a bless week!

audrey` said...


Excuse me, please.

Take care, brother =)

Karuna said...

Beautiful words brother.

Godwyn Lim said...

Heheh sister Audrey,

Haze seem to stay for awhile. Try not to do outdoor activities.

Have a bless week!

Godwyn Lim said...

Hey Sister Godzheart,

Haven't hear from you for awhile! Miss you!

Thank you for dropping by! May the Lord keep you & bless you richly!

audrey` said...

Heh Brother =)
Good Morning.

May I know the time difference between Singapore and Melbourne?

Thank you.

Godwyn Lim said...

Sister Audrey,

Sorry I was busy with work till now. Melbourne time is 2 hours ahead of our time at this moment:-)

Have a great week ahead!

God Bless:-)

audrey` said...

Thank you so much for your very prompt reply, brother Godwyn.
I'm very grateful =)

Godwyn Lim said...

Dear Sister Audrey,

The pleasure is mine. I'm glad I can help in any ways. I can do ALL things through Christ!

God Bless!