Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A Heart like Jesus...

How's Christmas for all? Boxing Day was over, I am sure you are blessed with heaps of Gifts with the Lord's Blessing...As for me, I happened to be unwell on the eve of Christmas till now. I dragged myself up for an early service at the Indoor Stadium for the Christmas Celebration as I expect the presence of God to open up the flood gates of blessing & Healing...

Pastor Prince led us into healing rally & when I prayed in Spirit, I felt 'the spin' & 'warmth' of Holy Spirit embracing me, healing me. I did not receive immediate healing but within a day with High Fever, Flu, Throat Infection & more, the progressive healing came a few hours ago, & I give the Glory to our Lord Jesus as He loves us beyond our understanding...

Still have piles of workload to clear & here I am, to share as when I opened my diary, a bookmark imprinted read, "But Seek first His Kingdom & His Righteousness, and ALL these things will be given to you as well." Matt 6:33 Amen?! His favors & Wisdom always lead us to 12 baskets FULL...not LACK...

God doesn't love us and leave us alone; He loves us enough to live wihin us, making our hearts like His home. Jesus wants us to have a heart like His..."Let this same attitude & purpose & [Humble] mind be in you, which was in Christ Jesus; [Let Him be your example of humility] " Phil 2: 5 Amplified Bible

God wants us to be just like Jesus. He wants us to have a heart like His. God loves us the way we are. If we think His love for us would be stronger if our faith were, you are wrong. If you think His love would be deeper if your thoughts were, wrong again! The love for people often increases with performance & decrease with mistakes. Not so with God's love He loves you where you are. God loves you just the way you are and He will turn the worst to be the best, that's how much our Abba in Heaven loves us...
Our God is a good God, what is new Godwyn? The Sunday service led me back to flash backs of incidents, just 2 years back, I back-slided to the extreme end of worshipping idols for my deteriorating health. Cut the story short, the Lord led me back to Church where I thought I can RIP forever, since I believe in the Lord when I was at very young age...
Pastor Lawrence kept sharing the essence of Holy Communion, communion to me was just a piece of bread & Ribena. In my mind, I was thinking, since I drank so much 'Holy' water from all idols, so Just do it! Weeks after weeks, the words that echoed in my mind is "Godwyn, Jesus Loves You." from Pastor Lawrence. I could not accept the fact that Jesus STILL loves me as instead of worshipping the Lord, I went to the idols! The breakthrough came when I receive the Grace message & I stop condemning myself! Healing came with cheetah speed, all I can say is amazing grace! How sweet that Sound! That saved a wretch like me...How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first Believed...

Okay Back to Jesus: Our hearts seem so far from Jesus. He is pure; we are greedy. He is peaceful; we are hassled. He is purposeful; we are distracted. He is pleasant; we are cranky. He is spiritual; we are earthbound. The distance between our heart & His seems so immese how can we ever hope to have the heart of Jesus?

You already do! If you are in Christ, you already have the heart of Christ. One of the supreme yet unrealized promises of God is simply this: if you have given your life to Jesus, Jesus has given Himself to you. Says who? The Bible, "I have been crucified with Christ [in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ (the Messiah) lives in me; and the life I now live in the body I live by faith in (by adherence to & reliance on & complete trust in) the Son of God, Who loved me & gave Himself up for me." Gal 2:20 amplified Bible... AMEN?!

More good news? "Therefore, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictate of the flesh, but after the dictate of the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has freed me from the law of sin & death." Romans 8:1-2 Amplified Bible...Does it means the verse from above, we can sin & account for no condemnation?

Stop! Think for awhile...Knowing our Lord who loves us so much, would you want to sin? Yet, do not draw yourself to be away from God when you sin as such is a deception of the Devil, drifting you away from Jesus from your quilty conscience. If we are to do such, it will put us back with the first Adam, Jesus Christ died for us in vain...

Jesus came to save humanity from its sin, "For the Son of Man came to seek & to save that which was lost." [Luke 19:10 Amplified Bible] Won't it be Ironic for God to save us & condemn us? Let us "fix our eyes on Jesus, the author & perfecter of faith, for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, & has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God"... Heb: 12:2 [NASB]

Saturday, December 17, 2005

If God is for us, who can be against us?

How shall we overcome our tribulations or temptations? Have we forgotten God is for us for one moment? 3 Days back, I visited my Uncle with mum but Uncle refused to speak much this time. I can see in his eyes the joy of receiving us, yet why is he so cold? For that moment, I fail to remember, "What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?]" Amplified Bible Romans 8:31...

I shared my thoughts with mum and her explanation is somewhat I never thought of...Uncle was diagnosed to suffer from tuberculosis apart from cancer. He did not want us to get near him as tuberculosis can be infectious...he has a heart like Jesus, Uncle would rather bear his pain alone as I believe in his heart, he knows Christ had taken it away at the perfect work on the old rugged cross...

Who is against us? Disease, inflation, corruption, exhaustion. Calamities confront, and fear imprison. "God is for us!" "God is for us!" "God is for us" "God is for us" is that loud enough for you to remember? God is for you & me! Our parents may have forgotten us, our teachers may have neglected us, our siblings may be ashamed of us; but within reach of our prayers is the maker of the Universe. ABBA!

God is for us! Not "may be", not "has been", not "was", not "would be", but "God is!" He is for us! As you read this, with no need to wait in line or come back tomorrow, He is with us. Christ is for us! His loyalty won't increase if we are better nor lessen if we are worse. Jesus is for us! Jesus is always cheering us in our 'run' in life! Look past the finish line, that's Jesus applauding our steps. Too tired to continue? He'll carry us! Too discouraged to fight? He's picking us up! "The Lord is for me; I will not fear; What can man do to me?" Psalm 118:6

Abba has a tattoo on Him for us, did you know that? It says in Isaiah 49:16, "Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands.." In verse 15, it reads, "Can a woman forget her nursing child And have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you!" God is with us Amen?! Knowing that, who can be against us? Can death harm us now? Can disease rob us life? Can our purpose be taken or our value diminished? NO! Though hell itself may set itself against us, no one can DEFEAT us! We are protected with the promise of Palsm 91 "A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you!" Halleluiah! Halleluiah! Halleluiah! Aren't you glad God is for us?...

Yet, at that moment I was worried about my Uncle. We often worry don't we? We worry that we won't have enough money, and when we have money we worry that we won't manage it well. We worry that the World will end before our parking coupon expires. Aren't all these thoughts ironic? Would God teach us to walk just to watch us fall? Would Jesus be nailed to the cross for our sins and then disregard our prayers?

Are you aware that we are constantly being watched over? The Bible says, "For He will give His angels [especial] charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways [of obedience & service] Palsm 91:11 Amplified The last incident months or years back when we were nearly knocked down by a bus is not avoided because we are "Heng" [Dialect, meaning luck]. It is not Mr. Heng who saves you, it's our Almighty God & savior, Jesus Christ our Lord Amen?! Are you convinced that God is for us? I am...

Monday, December 12, 2005

Man has no way, but God always has a way...

Been feeding on His words, mostly from Pastor Prince's teaching, Max Lucardo's books & Holy Spirit. Haven't been sharing for awhile as I had been lazy and had that 'I must read more' self effort before I can pen down anything. Awesome thoughts & reading to share...
"A person is made right with God through faith, not through obeying the law." [Romans 3:28] Self-salvation simply does not work and we have no way to save ourself, yet God has a way, it is call 'Grace' the much debated undeserved favour! "Every good gift & perfect (free, large, full) gifts is from above; it comes down from the Father of all...our Abba, Daddy God" [James 1:17] Salvation is God-given, God-driven, God originated & God empowered. This gift is not from man to God...
The Bible says, "In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us & sent His Son to be propitiation (astoning sacrifice) for our sins. [1 John 4:10 Amplified Bible] It leads to the creation of Grace from God. Our approach to God is similar to the bartering system; if I do this, God will do that. We often think, I'm saved by works [what I do], emotions [what I experience], or knowledge [what I know]...Is that the way God is all about?
God's highest dream is not to make us rich, not to make us successful or popular or famous but to make us right with Him. I am not saying that God makes us poor or pathetic to let us know He is Almighty God! In our 'rat race' fast paced society, we often battle daily for higher pay, higher post, higher status in term to have more wealth. We get confuse that wealth can provide us more comfort such as a bigger house, a better car, yet happiness is not measured by what we have, it is measured by our level of satisfaction, our degree of being loved...
God has to keep his integrity that no law is to be compromised for He is holy. Our Father in Heaven loves us so much but He cannot relax the standards of judgement. He cannot encourage us with our mistakes [sins] we naturally will make with our human nature. How can God be merciful and fair at the same time? How can He offer grace without endorsing mistakes? How can God punish the sin & love sinner? Is God going to lower his standard so we can be forgiven? Is God going to look away and pretend we have never sinned? Would You and I want a God who can altered the rules & make exceptions? I don't...
In Romans 2:11 It says, "For there is no partiality with God." We are judged in the same way, no favour or unfairness. If our Sin has no price, we will Sin on won't we? If our sin brings no pain, we will sin on won't we? How then can God compromise His Holiness and enable our evil? Is there any way God could honour the integrity of heaven without turning his back on us? How can God do both that sinners being punished and being loved?
There is a man who commit no sin. He has never broken a law, not one violation, not one trespass, not even a lie, be it white, blue or muliti-coloured! He had took our place, was punished for what WE did wrong. His name is Jesus, our Lord & Saviour! "For Christ also died for sins once for all, the JUST for the UNJUST, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh but made alive in spirit" [1 Peter 3:18] By his death He satisfied the demands of sins.
Jesus suffered not like a sinner but as a sinner. He was punished for OUR SINS on the cross, Son of God, crying "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" Lamb of God, roasted on fire, suffered for our sins. God does not condone our sins nor does He compromise His standard. He does not dismiss our sin he assumes our sin and, incredibly sentences himself. God's holiness is honoured. Our sin is punished and we are REDEEMED! God is still God! The wages of Sin is still death but we are made perfect, "For by one suffering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified." Hebrews 10:14
For this month, I have come across brothers & sisters in Christ suffered from stress leading to physical illness, from stress leading to mental pain such as depression, panic attacks, from stress leads to emotional distress of heart breaks. I just prayed that we will look away from our physical signs that the Devil had created, a deception against the perfect work on the cross. Our Sins are all taken away with every records of wrong, nailed it to the cross Amen?! Christ will suffer in vain if we think we do not deserve the healing...
Living in the 21st century, stress has transformed to the World Number One killer...Yet Jesus has paid for it ALL with His crown of torns. He wore on the cross for your stress; He knows when Satan come & lie making you believe that you are dying when you hyper ventilate with your panic attacks...He has suffered for you & me even before the cross in the Garden of Gethsemane where "His sweat became like drops of blood, falling down upon the ground" Luke 22:44
How could a loving God feel anything less for you and me? Believe the truth, We are healed by His stripes, by the beating He bores, by His precious blood shed on the cross...
Jesus is our ultimate source of freedom...from our pain...sorrow...bitterness...without Jesus all are lost...God justifies the believer, not because of the worthiness of His belief, but because of Christ's worthiness...Our God is abundant in love & steadfast in mercy. He saves us, not because we trust in a symbol, but because we trust in a Savior...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Pray for my Uncle - Cancer Generation Curse?

The dim room was lighted up as the day was cold & wet with the rain. For the first time, I visited my '3rd Uncle' whom I often address, in 'Hokkien' or 'Mandarin' since he was discharged from the hospital...I did not expect such outcome as my Uncle seems to be quite fit in my memory...
My first thought was "Generation Curse" in my mind as my grandfather, my Uncle passed away from Cancer, many more to name, but I quickly bind that in a name above all, Jesus. Uncle held on to my hand while I held back my tears, looking at him, with his open wound and physical pain...I was confused...
"Uncle you look good! How is your appetite? Did you rest well? Are you drinking enough water...Uncle I heard you receive the good news of Lord Jesus Christ..." I spoke bravely, cheerful enough to hide my sorrow. Yes, he had confess with the salvation Prayer but I do not think it is in a Church Environment. Nevertheless, it does not matter as Uncle still can relate back to the years my grandmother actually attended church services till my grandfather worship idols with the business...
6th December, I decided to pen down this draft copy as these two months I was quite confused by the incidents that gone past with a bink of an eye, how time flies, time & tide will not wait for any man...it seems to me, the days are like seconds, spilt seconds...My Brother, Desmond & my Dad was Baptised on the 26th of November, following by my mum & Desmond birthday on the 27th and 28th, a weekend of great significant, to me at least...
Managed to attend the Baptism and witnessed that precious moment. The event drew me back closer to Desmond where we drifted apart due to my heavy work load and mis-communication. I attended partial service of the church my family attended as I am the only one in the family who attend New Creation Church. It was a relief to me as I often out of my human effort, worried about the sermon preached at that church as I learn from Pastor Prince, that the mixture of Law and Grace is death...
The Church is Christ-centered and the pastor loves to lead everyone to worship the Lord in spirit, this I deeply loved as it is written in the Bible, when we pray in spirit, we are burning sweet aroma to our Abba in Heaven, praising Him, delighting Him and "the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22 (NASB)
Halleliuah! on verse 25 & 26 of Galatians, Chapter 5, it ends with "If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another." This I pray that we will keep deeply in our heart in times of sorrow, confrontation, anger or agony...May the Lord keep you and Bless you...Heaps.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

In Love with you

Are you in love? Are you out of love? Have you ever feel the love? What is the thin line between our love and Jesus love? Our love mostly depend on the receiver of the love. Our love are often regulated by appearance or personalities. Our feeling for our loved ones will fluctuate, no matter how hard we try...

Yet, it is not so with Love of Jesus. We have no thermostatic impact on His love for us. The love of Christ is born from within us, not from what He finds in us. His love is uncaused and spontaneous. Does Jesus loves us because of our goodness? Because of our great faith? Shall we boast how much we love Him or His love for us? 1st John 4:10 says, 'In this is love: not that we loved God, but He loved us & sent His Son to be the propitiation (the astonish sacrifice) for our sins. [Amplified Bible]

Aren't you glad about this? Jesus love does not hinge on our human love. The abundance of our love does not increase His. The lack of our love does not diminish His. Our Goodness does not enhance His love, nor does our weakness dilute it. Says who? Says the Living word of God, The Bible! "The Lord did not choose you & lavish His love on you because you were larger or greater than other nations, for you were the smallest of all nations! It was simply because the Lord loves you." [Deut. 7:&-8 NLT]

Jesus loves us simply because He has chosen to love us! He loves us when we don't feel the love. He loves us when no one else seem to love us. Others may abandon us, divorce us, ignore us and forsake us but our Father in Heaven and our Lord will always love us no matter what as He says..."Just as He says in Hosea, Those who were not My people I will call My people, and her who was not beloved [I will call] My Beloved" [Romans:9:25] We are His Beloved Amen?! Halleluiah!

Found this in Max Lucado's Book, "A Love worth Giving"

Rewrite 1st Corinthians 13:4-8 in Your Name

Christ in Godwyn is Patient, Christ in Godwyn is Kind. Christ in Godwyn does not envy, Christ in Godwyn does not boast, Christ in Godwyn is not proud. Christ in Godwyn is not rude, Christ in Godwyn is not self-seeking, Christ in Godwyn is not easily angered, Christ in Godwyn keeps no record of wrong. Christ in Godwyn does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Christ in Godwyn always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Christ in Godwyn never fails...

STOP, think about the lines for a moment. Think deeply...It's time to let His love cover all things in life. All secrets. All hurts. All hours of evil, minutes of worry. The morning you awoke in bed of a stranger? His love will cover that. The years you peddled prejudice and pride? His love will cover that. Every promise broken, drug taken, penny stolen. Every cross words, cuss word and harsh words. Jesus love covers all things...

Let His Love cover all things. Do it for His sake. To glory of His Name, Amen?! Do it for your sake. For the peace of your heart. And do it for their sake. For the people in your life. Let His love fall on you so yours can fall on them. Be In Love with Him...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Does Anybody Care? : Inspired By Jerry Savelle

Beloved ones, do you subscribe to any ministries for the constant flow of living water in you? Are you thirsty for God words? The Desire to learn to walk with Jesus Christ our Lord, the Son of God, Son of man! Inspired by the heading of Jerry Savelle words, let us immerse with his words and our Abba, embracing us with his ever-lasting love.
Have you ever have such thoughts: God has stop loving you? God does not seem to care about you any longer as your prayers are not answered and worries from the World just never fail to flood your life. Does anyone on Earth or in Heaven really care about me? Read on, you aren't ALONE, the Lord is with You...

"We are objections of God's affliction. If you were the only human being alive on the planet, God would have sent Jesus to die for you. That's how much you're loved by the Father, I believe you are going to experience a real deliverance simply because you've realized you're loved & highly favored of God. He cares about every detail of your life. He cares!
Right this minute, if you read the last statement & didn't take it personally, you are believing the lies of Satan. He is a LIAR! You have to actively say with your mouth, "Lord I believe you loved me. I believe You have forgiven me. I believe you CARE! Thank you for loving me." Say that over & over & over again until finally, you'll begin to believe it more than you do Satan's lies!
"What then shall we say to [all] this? IF God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?] He who did not withhold or spare [even] His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely & graciously give us all [other] things?" Romans 8: 31-31 [Amplified Bible]
There are alot of people who are not convinced that God is for them. They think God is the enemy. How would you like to be commander-in-chief of an army where half of your troops don't even know who is the enemy? They've got their weapons pointed towards headquarter, blaming you all the time for their problems?
There are people questioning God, "Why did you let this happen to me?" We don't realize that God is for for us and NOT against us! God did not cause this awful situation in your life to prove something to you; He cares about you!
God wants to turn every test in our lives into a testimony! He wants to bless us no matter how impossible our situation may seem. In fact, He wants to bless us beyond our wildest dreams! He wants to restore every single thing Satan has stolen from us!. God wants to see Us free to be the wonderful, unique us that He created.
He wants to discover our strengths, embrace your uniqueness, & recognize our hobbies and interests as something He Himself put inyou us and wants us to use. But it all starts with knowing He loves you.
Nothing can separate us from God's love! Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing!
"For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending & threatening nor things to come, nor powers. Nor height, nor depth, nor things else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8: 38-39 [Amplified Bible]
When you become "persuaded" of just how much loved you are, and just how valuable you are in the sight of God, then you can say what Paul said, "There is nothing that can separate you from the Love of Christ. Nor things present nor things to come".
God is a God of love, mercy compassion, kindess, and goodness: but how can we experience that if we don't believe it & receive it for ourselves? Confess daily, "Thank you, Lord, for loving me. I receive your love by faith in Jesus Name!"
A simple prayer like such will transform your life. Do you believe so or trying to believe so? I just know the God I serve is a good God and He loves me! Thank you, Jesus! I live for you alone because you have First love me!

Monday, October 31, 2005

The J Factor...

Pastor Prince spoke about this "J Factor" I thought it is really interesting as the title for the last day of October. You know about the "X Factor", the "Max Factor"...all of the "Factors" so What is the big deal about "J Factor"? Of all the "Factors", the "J Factor" is one you can't live without in life, It's Jesus Factor...
This month I only wrote two entries as I was going to the Lord to Drink, to fill my thirst with quiet time, to pray, to read & above all, to Enjoy his love. Do you feel 'thirsty' for God's words? Do you have the Desire to have His ways in you? If so, He says, "Come Thirsty", He is the Only way to quench your thirst! Not our Coke, Vodavoda or Evian... "Now on the final & most important day of the Feast, Jesus stood, & He cried in a loud voice, If any man is Thirsty, let him come to ME & Drink!" John 7:37 Amp Bible
I love to share my little 'revelation' & fellowship especially when I am depress...[I am not writing being depress now! I bind that in Jesus name haha] I share the same sentiments when Pastor Prince preach about when we are depressed, sharing our revelations with one another from our innermost shall flow springs and rivers of living water! Why? The more you speak about the Lord, the spirit in you will just flow & it is written in the Bible, when two or more are gathered, HIS presence will be felt! Try it...
Looking back this 31 days, it is not a month without fear, anger, pain, guilt or sorrow as I know the victories of all the tribulations belong to the Lord & I just need to STAND STILL! It is not meant for me to fight with my strength. Are you facing such trials? By Destiny, I cross the paths of some brothers & sisters in Christ, they seem not able to feel the goodness of the Lord, one say, "Why everyone is telling me, I am greatly blessed, highly favored but I do not feel the touch...". You are missing the "J Factor"...
I believe there are two main elements of the "J Factor"; One is the lack of knowledge [in the good gospel of Jesus Christ and the other is our Heart, being slow to believe. All in all, if all fail, Believe by Faith the "J Factor" in you, Christ in You, the hope of Glory & Power Amen?! We humans want to do things our way. Forget the easy ways. Forget the common way. Forget the best way. Forget God's way. We want to do things our way...Have you forgotten? Change your focus & relax!
Our God is a Good God Amen?! "O Taste & see that the Lord [Our God] is good! Blessed [Happy, fortunate, to be envied] is the man who trusts & takes refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8 Amp Bible
Max Lucado wrote:
You may be facing death, but you aren't facing death alone; the Lord is with you.
You may be facing unemployment, but you aren't facing them alone; the Lord is with you.
You may be facing marital struggles, but you aren't facing them alone; the Lord is with you. You may be facing debt, but your aren't facing debt alone; the Lord is with you.
You are NOT alone! Your family may turn against you, but God won't. Your friends may betray you, but God won't. You may feel alone in the wilderness, but you are not, He is with you. And Because He is, everything is different. You are different. When you know God loves you, you won't be desperate for the love of others or the material aspects of love in life. That is the J Factor...as Perfect love casts out fear. 1st John 4:18 Read the next line of the verse, it says, "We love Him because He first loved us! Amen?! I just 'preach' myself Happy!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Psalm 23 - Unload your Burden

Fateful, 17th of October, the doctors completed my Dad's eye operation. My 'Luggage' for traveling on this temporal life, here on earth was lightened! "Godwyn, Praise God! Lord is always good to you, watch your blessing", echoed a brother in Christ. "God is indeed good but be it good or bad incidents to come, I just know one promise for sure, Jesus Loves Us Heaps!" I learn to grow up, knowing it is not ONLY the car park space He blessed me, the prayers that He answered me, it is therefore, from such, I conclude God is good!
Trials & tribulations are part of the temporal walk on earth, unanswered prayers, endless fiasco & even when everything seems to fall apart, knowing God's love for us, with Jesus's perfect work on the perfect cross. "All I know, it is finished!"...Amen?!
Closely, I walk with the Lord, yet at times I fail to wonder, what if Dad goes blind? What more will impact to his progressive recovery of bipolar disorder? Do you know every minutes, in the World, at least 2000 people go blind. I manage to catch the documentary, "Vision 20/20 " on BBC. Been feeding on Max Lucado's books, lisening to sermon from New Creation Church & praying to the Lord for directions in life.
Skip 'blogging' for near to a month, my excuse? Family obligations, trials on friendships [From friend to Foe] & familiar excuse, heavy workload. All in all, we should first seek the Kingdom of God & ALL will be blessed upon us. Then again, we always like to take our own 'yoke' thinking we have to do something to gain material wealth. Human effort, do you experience such or am I the only? It is written in the Bible do not worry about the day for the day will worry by it's own. Though we know God clothes the Lilies in the field, won't Abba bless us more? Are we worth less than the flowers in the field?
Psalm 23: Written to build our trust in God and to remind us of Who HE is:
The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, guide & shield us], I shall not lack.
He makes me lie down in [fresh tender] green pastures;
He leads me beside the still & restful waters.
He refreshes & restores my life [ourselves];
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
[uprightness & rightstanding with Him- not for my earning it, but] for His name's sake.
Yes though I walk through the [deep sunless] Valley of the shadow of Death,
I will not fear or dread no evil, for You are with me;
Your Rod [to protect] & Your Staff [to guide], they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil; my [brimming] cup runs over.
Surely or only goodness, mercy, & unfailing love shall follow me
All the days of my life, & through the length of my days in the house of the Lord [& His presence] shall be my dwelling place.

Friday, September 30, 2005

In the Eye of the Storm...

Been back to the house of God & I feel so good to be 'fed' by the Pastors. Like a lamb, I look upon our Good Shepherd & be led by Him as He says, "I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd risks and lay down His [Own] life for the sheep."John 10:11 (Amplified Bible) Pastor Prince has been sharing about the Lord being our Shepherd & many a time, being in the House of God is a confirmation of what the Lord speaks in the week, through the Holy Spirit in us, I purely believe in the relationship with God, not a religion or the rituals, do you? Last Sunday Pastor Prince preached on Shalom the Lord gave to us, check out "Tribulations - to destroy us?
Oh did I mention about the blessings? Our Church is in the heart of a busy shopping arcade [unique, right? it's call Suntec City, remember to check it out when you come to Singapore!] and it almost impossible to find a parking space on a busy Sunday. Yet, for the past few weeks, the Lord bless us with an instant parking space when we reached Suntec! It's like a personal parking lot, immediate access to the Church! Praise the Lord! As much as the Devil tried to put us in bad traffic or other incidents to delay the trip to worship our Abba, the Lord never fail to bless us! Lunch time is packed with heaps of people awaiting for seat at the food court, my brother in Christ and me will declare the blessing and instantly, we are happily seating down, ordering our food!
It is just parking space and seats for food, what is the big deal? Oh ya, when you face with fleets of cars awaiting for a single car park lot & you are frustrated & hungry, couldn't wait to be embraced in the house of God, that instant blessing you feel then, has the ability to 'wash' away your Monday blues keeping your heart in peace for the good week ahead! Often it is the simplicity of life that make up our happiness, I do not know about you but to know that our Father in Heaven bless such 'little' needs, surely when the storm arrive, the Lord would embrace me from his promises of Psalm 91, "I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge & my fortress, my God; on Him I lean & rely, and in Him I [Confidently] trust!' Psalm 91:2 (Amplified Bible)
Try this, "Father, I declare in your name I need..." That activates the Blessing button & out flows the river of life! I did not know such work till Pastor Prince preached on this supernatural blessing that the Lord bless such, as it says in Deuteronomy 28:6 "Blessed shall you be when you come in & blessed shall you be when you go out."
I am still in the storm, in fact I am in the Eye of the Storm...yet I want to share that the Lord bless me & upheld me with his love from Chaos to Calm. I am hailstormed by demands, assailed by doubts & pummeled by questions! If you are in one, then you know what I mean. Godincidence, I just read my collection of Max Lucad's books, "In the eye of the Storm, a day in the life of Jesus." I never dream that Jesus knows how I feel [As being a human]. Do you know of the story of a God who became human? Jesus! Why? He did that so that you & I would believe that the Healer knows our hurts, he voluntarilty became one of us. He placed himself in our position. He suffered our pains & felt our fears.
Feel better now knowing you are not alone? I do. Thanks for all the prayers, my little sister & my Dad are getting better though the healing is progressive, I will fix my eyes on the perfect work on the cross. Just remember:Jesus Loves us heaps!

Monday, September 19, 2005

What have you been praying for?

Woke up in the middle of the night...remembered some hurtful moments, cry upon the Lord & the Holy spirit led me to Max Lucado's site [Upwords] and listen to a short message:
Pray for the Unity of Holy Spirit to work in the life of fellow Church members, to bring unity.

Satan is 'powerful' but predictable, he wants to divide the Church, he wants to divide God's people, so the fellowship with one another is divided and testimonies to the outside World is destroyed.

He wants to create competition, jealousy, superiority, pray against them. Surrender these problems to the Lord!
How? What to pray for? Pray for your leadership, pray for your enemies, pray for the people in the Queue, pray for your pastor! Pray for your church! There is no more important organization than that and that is the Church!
O' Lord...Let us not be Divided...with the Christ in Us! We have Blood Bought rights!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Slow to believe?

Taken my communion, declared I am healed in a name above all name, Jesus ! My first rest day of the week was disturbed by 'food poisoning', my frequent visit to the washroom and constant pain reminded me of the past suffering of my little sister. My little precious sister is recovering and I pray to the Lord she will not suffer a relapse being the first day of school for her after months of rest at home...
In order to experience Grace through my own personal experience is for our heart to be persuaded that we are 101% righteous. It is this belief of the truth that made Grace effective in my life. "I can do all things through HIM who strengthens me." Phil 4:13 Amplified Bible, "I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency] Halleluiah! Christ is all we need Amen?!
Let me share some reading from Dr. James Richards, a man who preach heaps on Grace. I believe the key to restoration of ALL things is the same key to victory in ALL walks of life - Believing. Amen?! Trying to be righteous in our own strength isolates us from Grace. Let's look at Paul said in Galatians 2:21 "I do not nullify the Grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ Died needlessly."
When we try to do things in our own strength, we nullify, reject and neutralize the grace of God in our life! Don't blame God, God does not take away his goodness and Grace away from us; it is through our unbelief, we choose to depend on our own strength instead of His.
"Godwyn, What is new? I know this verse and this 'revelation' years before you wrote this!" many might say. I say to you, "In the midst of a fiasco, where all things go wrong and everything seem to be hopeless, will you say, "Lord I believe in you?" and truely cast your problems unto Him?"
I am still learning, that is why I just told Jesus, my sister is going back to school, she is not going to suffer a relapse "that is your problem, not mine as you are God, I am not!"
When we enter into His Light, accepting what Jesus says about us in the Bible and acknowledging our righteousness through His Finished work, then Grace will flood our heart! Surely YOU will find God's Grace to deliver us out of our sins and daily tribulation!
Jesus said in John 20:29 Amp"Blessed and happy and to be envied are those who have never seen Me & yet have believed and adhered to and trusted and relied on me" Amplified Bible. Thus, many a time I am confuse and do not know what is happening to my life, I just say to myself, "Jesus, I do not know what is happening around me, but I know you Love me, You will nevere forsake me and I believe in you."
If God say so, it will be so...

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Stairways to Heaven...

This Testimony shared by Sister Ann is simply amazing. Are you worrying about your family not receiving Salvation? Plagued by Constant Fear being separated by stairways to Heaven?
"Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me." John 14:6
I was in a period of time of consistent worries and fears concerning my family's salvation for number of years, as you see, I am now in Singapore and all my family members are in China, and I felt guilty when I didn't share the good news with them, I thought it is of my responsibility to get them saved. I could break down and cry suddenly worrying about them, I even told the Lord, what is the use that You saved me but not saving my family members.

O, how foolish I was until one day He really really spoke to me during one of my private time with Him. He spoke one sentence that cast all my worries out of my mind, (perfect love cast out fears) He said, "Don't you know that I love them MUCH MORE than you love them?" I was stunned in His presence, I was trembling when I heard my Abba's heart.

Yes, He personally loves them more than I do. I love them, but I am not omnipresent. He loves them, He can be right there they are, while they need help the most. It is not my hand that can extend back to China to save them out of their struggles but His.

Cut the story short, mom was saved last year while she was in Singapore in the span of 9 days, and she is coming here for a month soon. and from the conversations I have with my mom over phones, my dad is now more care-free for any reason that she doesn't know (BIG GRIN), and they even have conversation concerning Jesus and God a lot of times,(HALLELUJAH).

And God was telling me, don't even have an impression that you are saved, and they are not, called them the saved of the Lord, and see them worship in the church in the Spirit. It is impossible for you, but nothing is impossible for Me. And I was delivered from this area of fear of life ever since.

God is still faithfully working in the out and through my life. And I know you understand what I mean.

He is our pillar of cloud of strength when we are weak.

He is our pillar of fire to keep us warm.

He is our only solution for all our needs.

And guess what?

He is in action.. :)

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Joshua 1:5

Whenever I face any trials & feel that I am on 'a breaking point', I will remind myself to meditate on a verse that the Lord had blessed me with, 2 years back that brought me back to Salvation, Hebrews 13:5-6.
My heart was heavy while I sat at the 'waiting bay' awaiting for my Dad from the operation room & praying for my younger sister receiving theraphy from another hospital. I am not repeating the same incident, 'Godincident' [Word, Inspired from Sister Ann, she reminded me this words I use years back.] with the last 'blog' entry, the 'history repeated itself' 2 days back. Our adversary, the little 'D' loves to pack all his deceptions into one, hoping you will break with his lies...
Little 'D' hopes he can drive me into desperation, but God NEVER allow such to happen, HE whispers Joshua 1:5 into my heart while I was feeding on Living Words from the Bible. "Joshua? My mind rushed with excitement, paving away my worries. "No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you." Josh1:5 & at THAT instant, my HEART was filled with the Lord's love. [Same Words as Heb 13:5, Godincidence, never knew that verse] I read the verse and came the 'Amen'...Jesus loves me Heaps!
Beloved Ones, Jesus will never fail you or forsake you, in times seems so hard for you to bear, Amen!?! That is the living truth I am sharing with you now. 31st of Aug, I brought Dad back for review, a day after the operation. 8.45 a.m. in the morning, we began the different 'test stop-overs' before final consultation with the surgeon. I remembered the last 'stop-over', I left my Dad to the wash-room and returned back without going through the procedure with him.
The next moment, Dad's name was called and I was in time to accompany him to the 'final stop-over', consultation with the surgeon. Dr. Klng yelled out smugly, "Perfect operation!" after his detailed assessment. "What? Doctor? Perfection?" I was amazed as it was less than a day after Dad's eye operation. "Didn't you followed your Dad to his eye test?", Dr. Klng asked. "No, sorry I was at the washroom." I replied bastfully. "His eye sight is now 6/6. Perfect! A few weeks more we can operate on his left eye." Dr. Klng said Nattily. I thanked him and before we left, he cleared his throat and said, "Here are my cards, I deal with complex Cataract case!"
Not to dismiss Dr. Klng's credit, I am sure Jesus did the operation! I thank God and my spirit arise, with another life testimony to share about the wonders of God, when you least expect it to happen...My Dad was excited about the outcome, it boasted his confidence, yet on the other hand, he lost more insight to his Bi-Polar Disorder. As for me, I care less, I indulged with God's love that embraces me & pray in Spirit...Holy Spirit; Jesus did the operation! Halleluiah!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Holy Communion - Health and Wholeness

"While they were eating, Jesus took some bread, and after a blessing, He broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, "Take, eat; this is My body." And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you; for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins. But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's Kingdom." Matt 26:26:29

Dear Beloved Ones,

I wrote this in year 2004, I thought to share this again with recent episode of sickness and healing. Especially when I 'trip' onto Rebekah's Page from Sister Ann...

The show "Passion" uplift the spirit of Jesus Love for man. This is not a trend where it rise and fall. It is a 2000 years of truth, being shown to us, as our living God and His son loves us more than we can imagine. I am not preaching as neither am I a pastor, nor a priest. I am sharing with you how miracle healings are occurring with the partake of Holy Communion. We live in the world of stress, pain and agony. I seen many love ones being taken away with terminal illness. Now we are being challenged with SARS, AIDS, Nipah and Ebola, many more to come.

Holy Communion put it simply, is the partake of a cup of wine and a broken piece of bread. The bread is the expression of Jesus love, who endure stripes on his body, where he was beaten, bruised and broken so that we can receive healing for all diseases and sickness. It is not a simple flu, a cut in your finger, a pimple grow on you, we can be healed from HIM for terminal and critical diseases. The Wine is Jesus blood, an innocent man, who does no wrong, shed to bring us forgiveness so that we are forever righteous, holy and blameless.
I seen love ones on death bed, then, I was too young to know, how I can save my grandfather and my uncle, who pass away with cancer, as it is in our family genes [I now Reject these in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ]! I am one who look at things with hard fact, yet, for these few months, I saw healing with my own eyes and even myself experiencing it. If any of your friends, family members or relatives are fighting a cruel battle of pain and suffering, come and partake in the Holy Communion.

If you believe, this broken bread and wine (usually ribena is used), where there are no side effects, purely you will receive healing. It is just as simple. Often, we take it for granted for our health, till our immediate family, friends or us, being put down by illness, the wake-up call will bell. Search no more, I remember then, my family were searching from the East to the West to save our love ones but neither does it prolong the sick nor brought healing but a slow death, with pain and suffering no words can describe.
I am reaching out to you, as once lives are taken away, it is forever. As described in the movie, our messiah rise from the dead with the wounds on him, as they nailed him to the cross. Basically, there are two essences of healing, one being supernatural healing that take place with immediate effect. The other is progressive healing, where one heal with time. My brothers and sisters out there, any illness where many years you found no cure, come and be healed.
If you need more information, there is a book written by Pastor Prince from New Creation Church, at the book store, Suntec, the rocks. If there are urgency, as time is the barrier where even a second can varies being dead or alive, please contact the number below to get the wonderful book. More information of healing testimonies can be found on New Creation Testimonies Site.

According to statistics, everyday, one choose to end their life in Singapore due to emotional, physical, financial and mental obstacles. If you know of such, help them as well. It is never too late. If such occurs on you, and you want to be forever healed, come and experience the divine power of our living Father and His son, Jesus. God bless and be well.
Rocks Gifts & Book Centre
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Suntec City Mall (Above Carrefour) Singapore 038923
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