With life comes changes. Changes are like taxes, it is necessary but unwelcome. My body changes, with lack of sleep more stress element, I fall sick. My faith changes, with more tribulations either I leap ahead & walk in faith or I will fall, not knowing when I will arise...
With changes comes fear, insecurity, sorrow, stress. So what do you do? Hibernate? Take no risks for fear of failing? Give no love for fear of losing? Some opt to. They hold back. A better idea is to look up. Set your bearing on the one & only North Star in the Universe - Jesus. For though life changes, He never does...
"For ever since the creation of the World His invisible nature & attributes, that is, His eternal power & divinity, have been made intelligible & clearly discernible in & through the things that have been made [His handiworks]. So [men] are without excuse [altogether without any defense or justification]." [Romans 1:20 Amplified Bible] Jesus strength never diminishes. Yours & mine will & has. We aren't as alert in the evening as in the morning. We can't run as fast when we are eighty as when we are twenty. Even the strongest among us must eventually rest...
Daniel 6: 26 [NASB] reads. "For He is the living God & enduring forever, & His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed, And His dominion will be forever" Psalmist 59 16-17 [NASB} sings, "But as for me, I shall sing of your strength; Yes I shall joyfully sing of Your loving kindness in the morning, For You have been my stronghold And a refuge in the day of my distress. O my strength I will sing praises to You; For God is my stronghold, the God who shows me loving kindness."
Need a strong hand to hold? You'll always find one in Christ. His strength never changes. Need unchanging truth to trust? Try Jesus. His truth never wavers. "The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 [NASB] Our outlook may change. My convictions may sway, but "the Scripture cannot be broken" [John 10:35 NKSV]. And since it can't, since his truth will not waver, God's ways will never alter...
God will always hate sin & love sinners, despise the proud & exalt the humble. Christ will always convict the evildoer & comfort the heavy-hearted. He never changes direction mid-stream. recalibrates the course midway home or amends the Heavenly Constitution. God will always be the same!
No one else will. Lover call you today & scorn you tomorrow. Companies follow pay raises with pink slips. Friends applaud you when you drive a classic & dismiss you when you drive a dud. Not Jesus! Jesus is "always the same" [Psalm 102:27 ESV]. With Him "there is no variation or shadow due to change" [James 1:17 ESV].
Catch God in a bad mood? Won't happen. Fear exhausting His grace? Think He's given up on you? Wrong. Did He not made a promise to you? "God is not a human being, and He will not lie. He is not a human, & does not change His mind. What He says He will do, He does. What He promises, He makes come True." [Numbers 23:19 NCV]. Jesus will never be sullen or sour, sulking or stressed. His strength, truth, ways, & love will never change. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday & today & forever." [Hebrews 13:8 NASB]
Jesus plans will never change, because He makes His plans in complete knowledge. Forget hopeful forecasting. He declares "the end from the beginning" [Isaiah 46:10]. Nothing takes Him by surprises. "The plan of the Lord stand firm forever." [Psalm 33:11 NIV]
The cross will not lose its power. The blood of Christ will not fade in strength. Heaven will never announce the collapse of any failure. God will never return to the drawing board. "What He does in time He planned for eternity. And all that He planned in eternity He carries out in Time."
"The Lord almighty has spoken - Who can change His plans? When His hands moves, Who can stop Him?" [Isaiah 14:27 NLT] God never changes. Everyone else does. Everything else will...
What changes are you facing? Age withers the strongest bodies. With life comes change. But with change comes the reassuring appreciation of heaven's permanence. "Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands" [2 Timothy 2:19] His house will stand forever...
Inspired by:
Max Lucado
With changes comes fear, insecurity, sorrow, stress. So what do you do? Hibernate? Take no risks for fear of failing? Give no love for fear of losing? Some opt to. They hold back. A better idea is to look up. Set your bearing on the one & only North Star in the Universe - Jesus. For though life changes, He never does...
"For ever since the creation of the World His invisible nature & attributes, that is, His eternal power & divinity, have been made intelligible & clearly discernible in & through the things that have been made [His handiworks]. So [men] are without excuse [altogether without any defense or justification]." [Romans 1:20 Amplified Bible] Jesus strength never diminishes. Yours & mine will & has. We aren't as alert in the evening as in the morning. We can't run as fast when we are eighty as when we are twenty. Even the strongest among us must eventually rest...
Daniel 6: 26 [NASB] reads. "For He is the living God & enduring forever, & His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed, And His dominion will be forever" Psalmist 59 16-17 [NASB} sings, "But as for me, I shall sing of your strength; Yes I shall joyfully sing of Your loving kindness in the morning, For You have been my stronghold And a refuge in the day of my distress. O my strength I will sing praises to You; For God is my stronghold, the God who shows me loving kindness."
Need a strong hand to hold? You'll always find one in Christ. His strength never changes. Need unchanging truth to trust? Try Jesus. His truth never wavers. "The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 [NASB] Our outlook may change. My convictions may sway, but "the Scripture cannot be broken" [John 10:35 NKSV]. And since it can't, since his truth will not waver, God's ways will never alter...
God will always hate sin & love sinners, despise the proud & exalt the humble. Christ will always convict the evildoer & comfort the heavy-hearted. He never changes direction mid-stream. recalibrates the course midway home or amends the Heavenly Constitution. God will always be the same!
No one else will. Lover call you today & scorn you tomorrow. Companies follow pay raises with pink slips. Friends applaud you when you drive a classic & dismiss you when you drive a dud. Not Jesus! Jesus is "always the same" [Psalm 102:27 ESV]. With Him "there is no variation or shadow due to change" [James 1:17 ESV].
Catch God in a bad mood? Won't happen. Fear exhausting His grace? Think He's given up on you? Wrong. Did He not made a promise to you? "God is not a human being, and He will not lie. He is not a human, & does not change His mind. What He says He will do, He does. What He promises, He makes come True." [Numbers 23:19 NCV]. Jesus will never be sullen or sour, sulking or stressed. His strength, truth, ways, & love will never change. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday & today & forever." [Hebrews 13:8 NASB]
Jesus plans will never change, because He makes His plans in complete knowledge. Forget hopeful forecasting. He declares "the end from the beginning" [Isaiah 46:10]. Nothing takes Him by surprises. "The plan of the Lord stand firm forever." [Psalm 33:11 NIV]
The cross will not lose its power. The blood of Christ will not fade in strength. Heaven will never announce the collapse of any failure. God will never return to the drawing board. "What He does in time He planned for eternity. And all that He planned in eternity He carries out in Time."
"The Lord almighty has spoken - Who can change His plans? When His hands moves, Who can stop Him?" [Isaiah 14:27 NLT] God never changes. Everyone else does. Everything else will...
What changes are you facing? Age withers the strongest bodies. With life comes change. But with change comes the reassuring appreciation of heaven's permanence. "Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands" [2 Timothy 2:19] His house will stand forever...
Inspired by:
Max Lucado
Well said Brother,
I'm intouch with fear, insecurity
and for 20 some year I did Hibernate, because of the the fear,and insecrurity!
thanks for the post
take care and God's blessing
God is my strength. Thanks for the encouragement.
Godwyn, I've also experienced the fear and insecurity of life...yet Jesus is also my refuge and hiding place. Thanks for a wonderful post.
Who's Pastor Prince by the way? His quote on 'love' blows me away, and I can't stop thinking about his definition!
Who's Pastor Prince by the way? His quote on 'love' blows me away, and I can't stop thinking about his definition!
It has been awhile.
How are you now?
Dear Sister Janice,
I did the same, living in fear & insecurity till Christ embrace me:-)
Surely the goodness of the Lord follows us through our days!
Have a bless week:-)
Dear Sister Kristi,
Thank you for visiting, thank the Lord not me as life is never about Us but about HIM, Christ our Lord:-)
Stay Bless!
Dear Sister Kitty,
Pastor Prince is from New Creation Church, which I attend.
His sermon is awesome! Check out more on http://www.newcreation.org.sg/
Godwyn and Kitty,
Wow, what a coincidence. I have been to New Creation Church a few years ago. I attended with some friends of mine who are living in Singapore. I still remember the long queue of folks waiting to get into the next service. I went to the 9 AM service (or something about that time) and folks were already lined up for the 12 or 1 PM service.
And Godwyn, thanks for your encouraging words on my blog.
Dear Sister Audrey,
I am fine just 'boil' up with work! Stress leads to ill health but I shall wait upon Jesus to renew my ALL:-)
Spiritual Attacks but too long to relate, just pray for me:-)
I am working in Estate Management for Land Acquisation of Local & Overseas Projects for Development:-)
Have a Bless week ahead!
Dear Brother Kevin,
It's Godincidence. Yes Kitty, Kevin is right, you have to Queue up for 2 hours in Advance to get a seat in the Auditorium:-)
New Creation Church is the 2nd Biggest Church in Singapore. It is worth the Wait as the Sermon of Pastor Prince is priceless:-)
Brother Kevin, it is a small World after all:-) It's my pleasure to visit your site!
God Bless!
one thing permanent in this world is change. we all change. thank God Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. we can rely on Him all the time. =)
Hey PIA thanks for the note! Amen to that!
Jesus is eternal:-)
Have a great week ahead!
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