The World says an apple a day will keep the doctor away, yet what I experience is a prayer a day will keep the Devil away. How Godwyn? I experience the miracle healing of severe food poisoning, yet hours after I wrote the entry, 'His Majesty', healing came in 'Cheetah Speed'. I was well with just some pain killers & charcoal pills...
The fever subside & the pain is gone, the definite results of everyone's prayer. How bless I am with you as part of my family, shadowing Jesus's love for me. We see our selfishness, for we cannot give. We see our pain, for we cannot heal. We can only be embrace in the arms of our Father, Abba...
Jesus could have come back as a man in another era when society wasn't so volatile, when religion wasn't so stale, when people would listen better. The Lord could have come back when crosses are out of style. But His heart wouldn't let Him. If there was hesitation on the part of His humanity, it was overcome by the compassion of His divinity. His divinity heard our voices. His divinity heard the hopeless cries of the poor, the bitter accusations of the abandoned, the dangling despair of those who are trying to save & I...
His divinity saw our faces. Some wrinkled. Some weeping. Some hidden behind the veils. Some obscured by fear. Some earnest with searching. Some blank with boredom. From the face of Adam to the face of the infant born somewhere in the World as you read these words, He saw all them all. Praise for His divine heart for us, His eternal listening ears...
Your silent prayers uttered on tearstained pillows were heard before they were said. Your deepest question about death & eternity were answered before they were asked. Your direst need, your need for a Savior, was met before you ever sinned. And not only did He hear you, He saw you. He saw your face aglow the hour you first knew Him. He saw your face in shame the hour you first fell. The same face that looked back at you this morning's mirror, looked at Him And it was enough to kill Him...
Since Jesus could bear your sins more easily than He could bear the thought of your hopelessness, He chose to come, Son of God, The lamb of God, The light of the World, The Resurrection & the Life, the Bright & Morning Star, the alpha & the omega...But the Lord said, "Just call me Jesus" How humble is our living God...
Inspired By
Max Lucardo
The fever subside & the pain is gone, the definite results of everyone's prayer. How bless I am with you as part of my family, shadowing Jesus's love for me. We see our selfishness, for we cannot give. We see our pain, for we cannot heal. We can only be embrace in the arms of our Father, Abba...
Jesus could have come back as a man in another era when society wasn't so volatile, when religion wasn't so stale, when people would listen better. The Lord could have come back when crosses are out of style. But His heart wouldn't let Him. If there was hesitation on the part of His humanity, it was overcome by the compassion of His divinity. His divinity heard our voices. His divinity heard the hopeless cries of the poor, the bitter accusations of the abandoned, the dangling despair of those who are trying to save & I...
His divinity saw our faces. Some wrinkled. Some weeping. Some hidden behind the veils. Some obscured by fear. Some earnest with searching. Some blank with boredom. From the face of Adam to the face of the infant born somewhere in the World as you read these words, He saw all them all. Praise for His divine heart for us, His eternal listening ears...
Your silent prayers uttered on tearstained pillows were heard before they were said. Your deepest question about death & eternity were answered before they were asked. Your direst need, your need for a Savior, was met before you ever sinned. And not only did He hear you, He saw you. He saw your face aglow the hour you first knew Him. He saw your face in shame the hour you first fell. The same face that looked back at you this morning's mirror, looked at Him And it was enough to kill Him...
Since Jesus could bear your sins more easily than He could bear the thought of your hopelessness, He chose to come, Son of God, The lamb of God, The light of the World, The Resurrection & the Life, the Bright & Morning Star, the alpha & the omega...But the Lord said, "Just call me Jesus" How humble is our living God...
Inspired By
Max Lucardo
Amazing Post
God Bless
thank you JESUS for healing brother godwyn lim!
It's good to know that you had been healed by our Lord so speedily. Praise God!
I'm very happy to know that Irene is recovering very well too =D
God is very good!
Surprise of all surprises!
Our dear Kitty and you were staying in the same apartment block, different units apart.
Wow! The world is so small!
Dear Godwyn, I am so glad to hear that you're healed by our dear Lord.
On Jesus, thanks for answering our prayers. May you continue to heal Godwyn's wounds and emotional trauma so that he can be totally free from pain, and rejoice in You always. Amen!
Dear brother Godzheart,
Thank you for visiting & leaving your kind comments. Jesus is the one who is Amazing Amen?! He always lift us up with his amazing grace...How sweet our Lord is!
His lovingkindness is everlasting:-)
Dear Sister Janice,
Thanks for your prayer, YES Praise the Lord for His Divine Healing.
Verse to Share:
Psalm 103:2-3
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
& forget none of His benefits;
Who pardons all your iniquities,
Who HEALS ALL your diseases...
Jesus Heals...He does...always
Dear Sister Audrey,
Thank you for praying for Irene, she is physically well, just mentally weak, I been praying for her over the phone in spirit & words:-)
The healing came with so many brothers & sisters praying for me, the Lord always hear our cries Amen?! What a good God we serve!
Yes lol Kitty was staying at the same apartment while I was in Melbourne. Life is so ironic right, people do 'Crash' in life!
Sister Audrey it is so fun always to read your comments, full of humour! How many Children you have? Surely they are blessed!
Verse to share with you:
Psalm 94:19
When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul...
Amen Sister Kitty,
I seek for the still waters & I am healed in Jesus name though time after time the Devil comes with deceptions!
The Lord has been my stronghold, & my God the rock of refuge!
Have a good weekend ahead! God Bless!
God is good. glad to know you were healed by Him. praise God!
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